About Kemp Law

Kevin E. Kemp

Kevin Kemp is one of the few lawyers in Canada who has experience acting on behalf of both physicians and plaintiffs in medical malpractice actions. Kevin was previously a lawyer at Canada’s “National Law Firm” – McCarthy Tétrault – where he acted for physicians on behalf of the Canadian Medical Protective Association (“CMPA”). Kevin’s intimate knowledge of how medical lawsuits are defended, and many of the people involved in a significant advantage to firms who have not been exposed to the other side of the courtroom.

Kevin left McCarthy’s in 1993 and now acts exclusively on behalf of plaintiffs. He recently achieved settlements in two medical malpractice actions involving neurologically impaired children that are believed to be among the highest ever paid in Canada.

Case Types

Kevin provides legal services in connection with serious personal injury and medical malpractice claims. He has experience in catastrophic cases leading to cerebral palsy or other brain damage. The firm’s services include investigation, analysis and, if advisable, litigation.

Service Areas

Although our offices are based north of Toronto, we are able to travel to meet clients throughout Ontario. Our initial consultations, whether in person or by telephone, are always free.

Expert Consultants and Resources

In addition to a vast array of on-line medical and legal resources, our firm has access to a wide variety of expert consultants in every field of specialty. Further, we have an extensive database of medical professionals who have given expert evidence in medical malpractice cases throughout Canada